Tenure and Promotion Information

2024-2025 Post Tenure Review:

All applications for promotion, tenure, and/or permanent status at the University of Florida will be processed in the Online Promotion and Tenure (OPT) System.

2024-2025 Promotion and Tenure Information:

  • The 2023-24 Application template is available in MYUFL. Web Browser should be set to allow pop-ups.
    • Log onto MYUFL
    • Go to Main Menu >My Self Service >Faculty Promotion and Tenure >UF Faculty Promotion and Tenure  >Promotion and Tenure Packet > Packet Template with Activity.
    • The Template will open as a Word file, with some sections auto-populated with the candidate's information.
  • NOTE: The Assistant In series must use a different Template. These promotions should use the specific In series portion of the OPT system only and promotion decisions are made by the relevant dean.

Workshops have been scheduled to discuss the preparation of Online Promotion and Tenure (OPT) packets and the University evaluation process for 2024-25. We encourage faculty who will be submitting packets this fall, members of this year’s college/unit review boards, new hires, and other interested faculty who may be going through the OPT process in the near future to attend one of the following sessions. To sign up for one of the faculty workshops, please register in myUFL, myTRAINING:   Code: PRO340

Tuesday, April 9, 2024
McKnight Brain Institute or Virtual (Mediasite) 

Thursday, April 11, 2024
Reitz Union Chamber Room or Virtual (Mediasite)

Recommendation for Tenure Upon Hire Form (.docx)

NOTE: The Dean must receive prior approval for Tenure Upon Hire from the Provost before the letter of offer is sent to the candidate.



Online Promotion & Tenure (OPT)

Information about the Online Promotion & Tenure (OPT) system including instructions, FAQ, and user Guides may be found in the Toolkit.

For questions regarding the Online Promotion & Tenure system, please contact:

2023-2024 Promotion and Tenure (P&T) Information - Archived: