Closing Programs

Closure of Academic Degree Programs

Requires both internal and external approvals.

Board of Governors Regulation 8.012 notes several reasons for program terminations, including but not limited to insufficient enrollment or student interest, duplicate programs, misalignment with mission or strategic plan, or changes in the discipline.


  1. Once the decision has been made to close a program, prepare the Program Closure form.
  2. Department approval.
  3. College Curriculum Committee and Dean approvals.
  4. University Curriculum Committee (undergraduate) or Graduate Council (graduate) approval.
  5. Faculty Senate approval.
  6. Provost’s Office approval.
  7. Board of Trustee’s approval.
  8. Board of Governor’s approval (for doctoral and professional degrees only).
  9. Provost’s Office informs UF SACS coordinator for SACS approval, Registrar, and Office of Institutional Planning and Research.


Program Closure Form (.pdf)