Undergraduate Degree Program
Developing a New Undergraduate Degree Program
New undergraduate degree programs require approval from the department, college, Office of Academic Affairs, Faculty Senate, the Board of Trustees and SACS. The Board of Governors requires notice and must approve limited access status or more than 120 credit hours.
Forms: Download the forms and tables below that are required for submitting a request to offer a new degree program. Requests for limited access status for undergraduate programs requires a separate form that must be processed as part of the proposal. A separate justification is needed for all undergraduate programs requiring more than 120 credit hours.
- Pre-proposal Form (.docx)
- Program Proposal Submission Form (.docx) Effective December 2021
- Degree Program Table Worksheets (Appendix A) (.xlsx) Effective December 2021
- Limited Access Program Request Form (.pdf) November 2019
The process involves two steps: a pre-proposal and a final proposal. Process Flowcharts.
1. Vetting and Provost's Office Submission: After vetting the pre-proposal through the college, submit it to the Provost's Office – Undergraduate Affairs. The proposal will be considered by the Provost's Office staff and the provost will make a final decision. If approved to go forward, the program will be included on the university’s Work Plan.
2. College Curriculum Committee Submission: If the pre-proposal is approved, the department finalizes the proposal and submits it to the college curriculum committee (or a similar committee). New course requests related to the program must be approved prior to this submission. If the program seeks limited access and/or an exception to the 120 credit requirement, the appropriate forms should accompany the proposal.
3. Review: If approved at the college level, the proposal is sent to the Office of the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Affairs. The Undergraduate Affairs Office staff will review the proposal for consistency with academic policies, then forward the proposal, along with staff assessments, to a sub-committee of the University Curriculum Committee, appointed by the Associate Provost, for an in-depth review and discussion with the department.
4. University Curriculum Committee: If approved by the sub-committee, the proposal is sent to the University Curriculum Committee for approval.
5. Faculty Senate: After approval by the UCC,the proposal goes to Faculty Senate Steering Committee for review and inclusion on the Senate agenda. The Senate requires two readings: first as an information item and finally as an action item.
6. Provost's Office to Board of Trustees: If approved, the proposal is sent to the Provost's Office for inclusion on the agenda of the UF Board of Trustees.
7. Approval and Notification: If approved by the Trustees, the proposal is sent to the BOG for notification (and approval in case of limited access or more than 120 credits) and inclusion in the BOG Academic Program Inventory. After notification is received from the BOG, the Provost's Office sends notification to the Office of Institutional Planning and Research.
8. Notification to SACS for approval.