Modifying Programs

Modifying Academic Degree Programs

Academic Approval Tracking Site

Process Flowcharts

Programs with consistently low enrollments, or programs that are not currently active, should be suspended or closed. Suspended programs are still required to perform any required annual or cyclic reviews.

For suspension or reinstatement of a program, the college should file the appropriate form with the Provost’s Office for review and determination via the UF Approvals Tracking site..

Proposals to offer academic programs (that have been previously approved by the appropriate curriculum committee) in an online or distance learning format must be approved by the Provost.

Examples would include:

Degrees or certificates which include 25-49% or more of a program’s credits available:

  • Onsite Off Main Campus

Degrees or certificates which include 50% or more of a program’s credits available:

  • Fully Online
  • Online with Onsite Meetings On Main Campus
  • Online with Onsite Meetings Off Main Campus

Proposals must be submitted to the Platform / Funding Advisory Committee through the Office of the Associate Provost for IT, E-learning and Distance Education. The committee will review the proposal and provide a recommendation to the Provost.

Note if the proposed degree or certificate program is not currently approved to be offered please return to the developing programs section.

The Review Process for Modifying Delivery of Existing Degree or Certificate Programs:

  1. Department / Unit Level Review- faculty and or administrative staff can begin the process by accessing the Program Modification Approval from the Office of the Associate Provost for IT, E-learning and Distance Education. The forms are available at

    Once completed the form should be routed to the Department Chair for consideration by the department faculty and signature by the chair.
  2. College Level Review- once the proposal has been signed by the department chair it should then be referred to the Associate Dean for review and consideration.
  3. Provost Level Review and Approval- once the proposal has been signed by the Dean of the College the proposal should then be sent to the Office of the Associate Provost for IT, E-Leaning and Distance Education for review by the Platform / Funding Advisory Committee. The committee will then make a recommendation to the Provost who will provide final review and approval.
  4. SACS Notification- If the proposal is approved by the Provost the Office of the Associate Provost will provide information to the Director of SACS Accreditation for appropriate SACS notification.

Existing degree programs may have more than one major associated with them. To request a new major in an existing degree program, or to close out a current major, use the appropriate form below. The approval process can be found by following the link from “Flowcharts” in the list.

Administrative Process for Requesting Changes to Program Length for Baccalaureate Programs Approved to Exceed 120 Credit Hours

In accordance with the requirements of Section 1007.25, F.S., the Board of Governors promulgated Regulation 8.014 to establish a process to approve a request by a university board of trustees for a bachelor’s degree program to exceed 120 credit hours to degree.  The regulation takes into consideration that programs evolve over time and adjustments in the number of credit hours may be needed due to changes in curriculum, requirements of accrediting agencies, and/or state mandates.  The regulation further authorizes the Chancellor to establish a process whereby a university can request an adjustment to the credit hour length for programs that have been approved to exceed 120 credit hours without seeking additional board approval.  The process is required to set thresholds for credit hour increases that require programs to be reapproved by the board when the increase, or series of increases, will extend the number of semesters required to complete the program.

The following administrative process is hereby established:

  1. The number of credit hours required for the completion of a baccalaureate program needs to be decreased.
    1. The university provost submits a written request to administratively decrease the credit hour length of the program explaining why the change is necessary.
    2. After a staff review and approval of the request the new maximum credit hour length will be recorded in the State University System Academic Degree Program Inventory and used as a threshold for calculating excess hours.
    3. Programs that decrease their credit hour length back to 120 will not be able to increase credit hour length again without seeking board approval.


  1. The number of credit hours required for the completion of a baccalaureate program needs to be increased by 6 credit hours or less.
    1. The university provost submits a written request to administratively increase the credit hour length of the program explaining why the change is necessary.
    2. After a staff review and approval of the request the new maximum credit hour length will be recorded in the State University System Academic Degree Program Inventory and used as a threshold for calculating excess hours.
    3. A request for a change must be submitted and approved before any major of a degree program can exceed the maximum number of credit hours currently recorded for the program in the State University System Academic Degree Program Inventory.
    4. If the requested change in credit hours when added to the current maximum number will increase the number of semesters required to complete the program, in accordance with Regulation 8.014 the Chancellor will require that the request be approved first by the university board of trustees and then by the Board of Governors.


  1. The number of credit hours required for the completion of a baccalaureate program needs to be increased by 7 credit hours or more.  The university board of trustees must approve the increase unless it can be clearly demonstrated that it will not increase the number of semesters required to complete the program.
    1. After approval by the university board of trustees the university provost submits a written request to increase the credit hour length of the program explaining why the change is necessary.
    2. After a staff review the request is scheduled for consideration by the Board of Governors.
    3. If approved by the Board of Governors the new maximum credit hour length will be recorded in the State University System Academic Degree Program Inventory and used as a threshold for calculating excess hours.
    4. A request for a change must be submitted before any major of a degree program can exceed the maximum number of credit hours currently recorded for the program in the State University System Academic Degree Program Inventory.


NOTE: The selection of 7 credit hours is based on calculations that adding 7 credit hours to a program that is already approved to exceed 120 can delay student graduation by up to one semester.