Office Hours Guidance
Faculty-student interactions during office hours are an important part of the instructional assignment and a positive contributor to student success. In accordance with the spirit of Florida Statute 1012.945, the Collective Bargaining Agreement, and University policies, Faculty shall provide students predictable access to faculty time outside of class. This time may be used by students to reinforce classroom learning, discuss class performance, academic advising, academic course and program selection, and professional development.
The time set aside for office hours must be provided in a conspicuous place, such as the syllabus, CANVAS, and/or outside of their faculty office. Posting office hours is important for students so they are aware of the faculty member's availability. It is also important for departmental administration and professional staff who must answer questions about faculty availability.
In general, office hours are to be held on campus during reasonable times of the day. However, faculty may designate specific times for virtual office hours through e-mail or telephone/video/chat room consultation. Faculty who are teaching fully online courses to non-residential students must also maintain an appropriate schedule of predictable available times for student access.
Office hour expectations and the format of office hours may vary by the nature of the course, the number of students enrolled, and individual academic unit guidelines. It is anticipated, however, that faculty will designate a minimum of two hours of office time per week for each course. Office hours may not be restricted to by appointment only.
Updated December 17, 2019