Required Minimal Canvas Usage
The Academic Policy Council of the faculty senate has approved a permanent minimal CANVAS use requirement.
All courses delivered through any means (face-to-face, online, etc.) will be required to use the Canvas learning management system for at least the following purposes: Distributing and storing the course syllabus, along with any syllabus updates, and maintaining or communicating student grades. The only exceptions are courses set up as individual academic experiences such as directed independent study, supervised research, supervised teaching, and thesis or dissertation credits.
Instructors and/or course directors are also strongly encouraged to use Canvas for posting announcements, providing access to course materials, adding deadlines to the calendar, maintaining communication relevant to all students, and scheduling Zoom meetings. These practices will help ensure that students who may be geographically dispersed and taking courses asynchronously have access to course content and provide an extra layer of security for Zoom sessions. Doing so will also allow for uniformity of the student course experience and will facilitate the process of making up of coursework missed because of illness, periods of self-isolation, and other excused absences.
Find additional information on using CANVAS
Updated January 3, 2023