Dual Career Academic Hire Procedures

Thank you for contacting us regarding the Dual Career Program at the University of Florida. The Dual Career Academic Hire service we currently offer is detailed below.

If there are any exceptional circumstances, please email PVFA@aa.ufl.edu. Remember, unfortunately, we can never guarantee employment.

The Dual Career Academic Hire process applies to the partner or spouse of a University of Florida tenure-track hire.  The partner or spouse must also be qualified for a faculty position at UF.

To initiate the process, the chair of the department making the original hire should contact the chair(s) of the department(s) for which the spouse or partner may be qualified.  If the Department Chairs and Deans in both the original hiring department and the prospective spouse/partners department agree to the funding formula listed below, then either the dean of the college making the original hire OR the dean of the college proposing the partner hire should speak with the Provost about the proposed hire and get his approval for the partner hire and potential salary/fringe split. If the Provost agrees to support the hire from central funds, the Application Form, signed by both Department Chairs and both Deans should be forwarded to the Associate Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs at PVFA@aa.ufl.edu.  

Please indicate if the Provost’s Office share of the funding is requested for 2 or 3 years. 3 years is generally the maximum length of support from the Provost’s Office, and a request for 3 rather than 2 years should be justified. A tentative plan for continued employment of the spouse/partner’s hire  (after the Provost’s Office share of the funding has ended) should be provided.  If the request is related to the hire of an underrepresented group, please so indicate.

Spousal/partner Hire with shared funding:

  • 1/3 funding: Department of original faculty hire
  • 1/3 funding: Department of spousal/partner hire
  • 1/3 funding: Provost’s Office The Provost’s Office funding is made available from a $1 million revolving account.
  • Funding support from the Provost’s Office is typically for 2 full academic or calendar years generally does not exceed 3 full academic or calendar years (depending on the contract of the hiring unit.)
  • Spouses/partners hired under this arrangement should not be guaranteed employment beyond the 2-3 year funding period, unless full position funding will be made available by the partners hiring department or the original hiring department after the Provost’s Office funding has ended.

Application Form (.pdf) (Updated July 2017)