Information regarding the national office of The Tuition Exchange, Inc. is available at
A complete list of participating institutions and their coordinators.
Dependents eligible for Tuition Exchange (TE) Scholarships are not guaranteed an award. Tuition Exchange scholarships are scholarships, not fringe benefits. The fact that an institution belongs to TE confers on dependents of eligible employees only the right to apply for a scholarship. Institutions may have to limit the number of Tuition Exchange scholarships they offer in order to maintain the required balance between the number of students they send out and the number they bring in.
Tuition Exchange (TE) scholarships can be quite competitive. Member institutions require that applicants first meet all their regular admittance requirements. Only then may an applicant be considered for a TE scholarship. More competitive institutions may receive a larger number of applications from qualified students than they can accept. These institutions take additional steps to select among qualified candidates, establishing a lottery system, higher academic standards, or a rolling acceptance policy.
Participation in the University of Florida's TE program is for four years (Fall and Spring Semesters- Academic Year only) or eight semesters towards the completion of the undergraduate degree, whichever occurs first. TE does not include graduate enrollment.
Questions about specific coverage for outgoing/exports (UF faculty dependent) may need to be directed to the liasion and/or student financial office at the selected TE institution.
Students must meet the institution's standards for academic performance and personal conduct. The family member whose employment conveys eligibility for a TE scholarship must continue to meet the employing institution's eligibility criteria. For those participating in the program, a re-certification form will be mailed to the employee in October/November of each year. If a re-certification form is not submitted it is assumed that you no longer desire to remain in the TE program and your dependent will be dropped from the program.
TEP Application for UF Employees
UF Contact
Office of the Provost
235 Tigert Hall
P.O. Box 113175
Gainesville, FL 32611
(352) 392-4792