Overview for Non-UF Employees
How to apply
To apply for a TE slot at the University of Florida, work directly with the Tuition Exchange liaison officer at the institution where your family member is employed. If you do not know the name of your liaison officer, contact the UF TEP Office at (352) 392-4792 or by e-mail at UFTEP@aa.ufl.edu.
Students applying for a TE slot must meet all regular admittance requirements of the University of Florida to be eligible for this award.
See our Admission Office for more information http://www.ufl.edu/admissions/
What does TEP Cover and for how long?
The Tuition Exchange Program while attending UF will generally cover the following:
- Out-of-State tuition is waived for TEP participants.
- Student is responsible for all fees (mandatory, special, lab, etc).
- In-state Tuition is deferred and paid by the University of Florida's Tuition Exchange Program for TEP participants.
- The program is for the undergraduate program for Fall and Spring semesters only. Summer semesters are not included.
- A TEP award is for 8 semesters total or the completion of an undergraduate degree whichever occurs first. There is a 12 hr/credit cap per semester.
There is a two year waiting period between dependents from the same household. Someone whose dependent has just completed the TE program must wait two years (AY) after the first dependent finishes the program to apply for their second dependent
How competitive is it?
The University of Florida annually receives a large number of TE applications. The number of students who receive a TE slot from other colleges and universities determines the number of tuition exchange awards extended by the University, in order to maintain an exchange balance.
After the admission decisions are completed, students applying for tuition exchange program are ranked by their GPA, SAT/ACT scores and the available TEP awards are given out in this order.
What must a student do to retain a TEP Award?
- A Tuition Exchange slot is usually granted for as long as the student is an undergraduate student, maintains both academic (minimum 2.0 GPA) and conduct standards, and continues to be sponsored/recertified by their "exporting" institution (parent's employment is verified each AY).
- A TEP participant must register for a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester (maximum is 12 credit hours).
What is the dollar value?
The University of Florida (TE) award value for incoming (import) students is approximately $707.21 per credit (2020-2021) for out-of-state and approximately $212.71 per credit (2020-2021) for in-state tuition. The University of Florida TEP does not pay for mandatory/special/lab fees nor does it pay the non-resident student financial aid fee charged to all non-residents. There is a 12hr/credit cap per semester.