UF Internal Awards

UF Faculty Awards: Deadlines and General Information

Download the UF Internal Faculty Awards Timeline for an overview of opportunities and key dates. 

Purpose: Reward excellent educators and involve them in enhancing the learning environment. Selection is based on merit. Recipients are inducted for lifetime as Academy members and serve on an advisory board to the Associate Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs for three years.
Sponsor: The ADTS is self-governing and recommends new members, with the final approval of the Provost.
Award Amount: Faculty members inducted into the Academy receive $3,000 per year (total of $9,000 over 3 years) to be used for the purchase of equipment, travel to conferences or for professional development, books, graduate students, and other related expenses. It may not be used as faculty salary.
Deadline: January, annually.

Academy of Distinguished Teaching Scholars

Purpose: Recognize superior and highly influential teachers whose contributions to the community, state, and nation have brought distinction to UF.
Sponsor: UF Alumni Association
Award Amount: $20,000 stipend
Deadline: February 1, biannually

Distinguished Alumni Professor

Purpose: Acknowledge an exceptional record of achievement in the areas of teaching, research and publication, and professional and public service that is recognized both nationally and internationally.
Sponsor: Final decision is made by the President with the advice of the Academic Personnel Board.
Award Amount: Faculty members are eligible for a pay increase.
Deadline: Tenure & Promotion cycle.
Provost's Memo 2022-23 (.pdf)

Distinguished Professor/Curator

Purpose: Encourage and reward excellence, innovation, and effectiveness in mentoring terminal degree students.
Sponsor: Graduate School
Award Amount: Award of $3,000 to five faculty members, with an additional $1,000 deposited into each winner's department account for use in supporting PhD or Master of Fine Arts students.
Deadline: Will be announced in call for nominations, usually mid-October, annually.

Doctoral Mentoring Awards

Purpose: Recognize esteemed faculty
Sponsor: The Dunlevie Endowment, via the University of Florida Foundation and in collaboration with the University Honors Program
Award Amount: $5,000 in summer salary, $5,000 for one semester’s activity, and $2,000 to the honoree’s home department.
Deadline: Early February, annually

Dunlevie Honors Term Professorship Endowment

Purpose: The Provost's Office offers the Excellence Awards for Assistant Professors, pending available funds. The awards are focused on junior faculty and recognize excellence in research. Each award is a one-time allocation of $5,000 in support of research that can be used to fund travel, equipment, books, graduate students, and other research-related expenses.

Excellence Awards for Assistant Professors

Purpose: Advance the academic/professional/scholarly abilities of faculty members in the HSC, IFAS, and College of Law. The awards are intended to be more flexible in nature and duration than traditional sabbaticals.
Sponsor: President’s Office
Awards Amount: Award amount can vary widely, depending on the expenses required by the project; however, the recipient’s unit is required to provide some resources in support of FEOs granted to individuals in that unit.
Deadline: Applications will be accepted in the Fall and Spring semesters. Deadlines and awards will be announced by the Provost’s Office.

Faculty Enhancement Opportunity (FEO) Awards

Purpose: Stimulate new or existing creative/research activity in the humanities and fine arts at the University of Florida.
Sponsor: Office of Research
Award Amount: Varies; maximum award is $10,000
Deadline: Mid-November, annually

Fine Arts and Humanities Scholarship Enhancement Fund

Purpose: Recognize outstanding international endeavors by UF faculty members, in order to support UF’s strategic goal of internationalizing the campus and curriculum.
Sponsor: UF International Center
Award Amount: Award of $3,000 to each person selected.
Deadline: End of October, annually.

International Educator of the Year Award
Purpose: Recognizes exemplary online teaching and evidence of a sustained body of exemplary online teaching practice. Exemplary online teaching includes high-quality course design but is focused on effective online instructional delivery methods relevant to student engagement, student learning gains, and student satisfaction. The university award winner will be UF’s nominee for the State University System (SUS) President’s Award for online teaching.
Sponsor: Office of the Provost
Award Amount: $4000
Deadline: Call for applications in Fall; application deadline is usually in January or February, annually.
University of Florida Online Educator Award

Purpose: Provide funding for new faculty-initiated research programs that are multi-/interdisciplinary and have a reasonable expectation of becoming externally funded in the future.
Sponsor: Office of Research
Award Amount: Varies
Deadline: Competition announced between September 15 and October 15, annually

Research Opportunity (Seed) Fund
  • Sponsor: Southeastern Conference Academic Consortium
  • Internal Deadline: May 24, 2024
  • Eligibility: Faculty

The Southeastern Conference (SEC) Visiting Faculty Travel Grant Program is intended to enhance faculty collaboration that stimulates scholarly initiatives between SEC universities. This initiative gives faculty from one SEC university the opportunity to travel to another SEC campus to: exchange ideas; develop grant proposals; conduct research; consult with faculty and/or students; offer lectures or symposia; or engage in whatever activities are agreeable to the visitor and host unit.

The University of Florida can select faculty members to receive 2024-2025 grants up to $2,500 each.  Travel grant funds may not be used for non-travel-related expenses (e.g., books, supplies, computer software, honoraria, food for other than traveler, etc.), and it is not permissible to use funds for support/research staff.

Any use of the funds should be directly for the faculty member with the intent of lessening the financial burden of personal accommodations in travel (e.g., travel, lodging, per diem, etc.).  Travel dates for these visits must be between August 1, 2024 and July 31, 2025.

The faculty member will contact a host unit that he or she wishes to visit to determine that unit’s receptivity and availability. The selected faculty members will be responsible for arranging coverage of their duties during their absence. This requires Department Chair approval.  After the visit, the faculty member will submit a brief report on the outcomes of the visit.  This report is to be submitted online at the Summary Report Link and sent to his or her Department Chair.


SEC Faculty Travel Program Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

Award winners for Cycle 2024-2025:

  • Kristen Apraiz, College of Education, Louisiana State University
  • Rachel Carrico, College of the Arts, Louisiana State University
  • David Daegling, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Texas A&M University
  • Austin Evans, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Louisiana State University
  • Shama Karanth, College of Medicine, University of Kentucky
  • Heidi Radunovich, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Georgia
  • Bala Rathinasabapathi, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Georgia
Southeastern Conference (SEC) Visiting Faculty Travel 2024-2025

Purpose: Encourage and reward excellence, innovation, and effectiveness in either undergraduate teaching or advising. Each year, awards are granted at the college and university level.
Sponsor: Office of the Provost
Award Amount: Provost’s Office provides award funding to the colleges offering undergraduate instruction; each college determines the number of college awards. (College funds may be used for additional college-level awards at the dean’s discretion.) Additionally, three $4,000 awards are granted at the university level, selected from the college-level awardees.
Deadline: Call for applications in Fall; application deadline is usually in January or February, annually.

Teacher and Advisers of the Year

Purpose: Recognize faculty members who demonstrate distinguished achievement in both teaching and scholarly activity as well as visibility within and beyond the university. The award recipient serves as a model of excellence and a representative of the ideal teacher/scholar at the University of Florida.
Sponsor: Faculty Development, Office of the Provost
Award Amount: Award of $6,000.
Deadline: Call for applications in Fall; application deadline is usually in January or February, annually.

Teacher / Scholar of the Year

Purpose:   In support of the university's preeminence goals and to support faculty research efforts, the University of Florida Foundation has announced the creation of the University of Florida Foundation Term Professorships Program.  The Foundation plans to award two Term Professorships each academic year as follows:

  1. The duration of each Term Professorship is 3 years.  All unexpended funds revert to the Foundation after 3 years.
  2. A total $25,000 award accompanies each Term Professorship.  Up to half the award can be used to fund the salary plus fringe of the Term Professor, and all of the award may be used to defray research expenses, including graduate assistantship support.
UF Foundation Term Professorships Program

Purpose: Recognize recent contributions and provide incentives for continued excellence in research.
Sponsor: The University of Florida Research Foundation
Award Amount: Three-year term professorship which includes

  • a $5,000 annual salary supplement
  • a $3,000 grant to support research, to be awarded in year one of the three-year tenure of this professorship.

Deadline: Call for applications is usually in early Spring. Awards made in May of each year, annually.

UFRF Term Professors