Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions received by Friday, will be published in the following week's Update. The Faculty Update is published every Wednesday.
  • As of October 2019, the newsletter will include content in an abbreviated format with links to full content. Faculty Awards are featured as full length content.  Please refer to the online version of the newsletter as an example. 
  • Submissions should be for a broad audience. Discipline specific special events (e.g. conferences and open houses) are welcome. Regular departmental seminars are not appropriate content for the Faculty Update Newsletter, and should be distributed via departmental, college, or discipline specific mailing lists.

Events and Announcements:

  • All submissions should include the following: 
    • An informative title
    • 2-3 descriptive sentences. Longer submissions will be shortened.
    • A link to the full announcement content and registration page if appropriate
    • Name and affiliation of person submitting content
    • Optional: Photo or graphics that is legible when reduced to 500-600 pixels. 

Faculty Awards Submissions are featured as full content in the newsletter.

  • All submissions should include the following: 
    • An informative title
    • A description of the award in plain text
    • A photo of the awardee

Faculty House Rental listings are offered as a service to faculty and staff to support academic related leave such as a sabbatical or professional development leave.

  • All submissions should include the following: 
    • An informative title
    • A description of the property and rental terms
    • Photos cannot be included, but links to other sites (such as Zillow) may be included. 

Additional Considerations for Submitting Content to the Faculty Update:

  • Submissions should be items with information, events, or resources that specifically benefit University of Florida faculty. Advertising is generally not appropriate for the Update.
  • All events or programs in the Update should be UF sponsored or related.
  • Submissions only run once and will not be published in multiple issues of the Update.
  • Submissions that have been widely distributed elsewhere will not be published in the Update.